Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"How are you Peeling? Foods with Moods" is written by Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers, and would be considered fantasy.

These authors have written other books, involving other fruit and vegetable. Most of the titles have moods in the title, such as "Happy Pees", and "Silly Kiwi". Most of their books are about the emotions humans may have throughout their life, in a little picture book displayed through food.

I chose this book because it displays so many emotions about being happy or sad, timid or out going, and even angry. This book connects to me because while watching my nephew and godson grow up I am learning about their emotions. Ethan (my nephew) is so emotions, and shy, only outgoing with his family members that he feels comfortable around but not in public. This book is good to read to children to identify emotions, what they are, and reactions that happen through emotions. The pictures help identify emotions through the funny faces in the food.

Setting: The story is just different situations, being happy or sad, social or timid. It is not taken in a particular place, but different situation in unknown places.

There is no main character, it is different situations throughout the book, with different vegetables and fruit. "Happy?Sad?", and then they will show a food with a face showing that emotion.

There is no conflict or plot, it is more of a casual book that does not have a story line, but definitions of emotions and pictures showing them.

I like this book because it really shows through the pictures the meaning of each emotion, what reactions most people have on their face with each emotion.

I would recommend this book between the grades Kindergarten thru 2nd grade. I choose these grades because I think that during this time children are learning about emotions and realizing what each emotions means. This book helps explain and show the motions with easy read and pictures that are obvious and funny.


  1. This sounds like an excellent book for children to read and own so that they can understand their emotions and gain insight in how to communicate those emotions more efficiently then just throwing a tantrum, crying, or whatever else they may choose to do! Most people would think that emotions are not something that need to be talked about or focused on but teachers and parents would disagree with that one. Sounds like a great book!

  2. This is exactly the book I am looking for to express the many different feelings one could have. As a mom it is most interesting to watch your own children look at themselves in the mirror and perfect a emotion. This book seems to have a humorous side to it as well as a serious life lesson. I think that this would be an excellent kindergarten book!

  3. Showing children how to express their feelings is a good lessen. We need to explain to children it is ok to express the feelings that they are showing, but there is away to do so. I think this book would help them understand it, in a friendly way. I think that this is a cute book, and i would love to read the whole book!
    Ashleigh Hess

  4. I agree with Ashleigh, this is a great book to read to kindergarten students and teach them about their feelings. It is important to teach children about their feelings and that it is ok to show these feelings. I would use this book in my classroom as a read-aloud book and a book for the kids to read on their own.

  5. I am really interested in this book! I think kids struggle with emotions at times and how to express them. I even feel like sometimes they are embarrassed because they aren't sure if the way they are feeling is normal. Just like you said this would help students learn about each emotion and what they mean. I think I may try and find this book for my bibliography.

  6. I think that this is a fun book for kids to read. I think it is super important for kids to learn and understand what different emotions mean. Sometimes for kids, it is hard for them to convey certain emotions and let others know that certain acts hurt them. This book seems like a fun read-aloud book which is what my book list is!

  7. I will look for this book. I think it is important for children to be able to understand different expressions. Some kids might need some help learning how to express their feelings.

  8. I'm really glad I know about this book now!I hope to teach kindergarten and think that this book would be excellent to show to them. Children at this age are just learning on how to show and control emotions and this book would be great to help them learn about the emotions they experience.
