Tuesday, April 2, 2013


This week I read Dinosaurumpus! by Tony Mitton, this picture book is a care free fantasy book. 

Tony Mitton is a very popular author that wrote many books about objects such as, Roaring Rockerts, or Amazing Airplanes, etc.  His book sare focused more on the fantasy side of writting, for example the current book Dinosaurumpus is a fantasy book about different types of dinosaures dancing and wiggling and having fun. 

This picture book is about all the different types of dinosaures wiggling and thumping and being loud and joyous. The best part about this book is that they show many dinosaures that really do exist years ago, it gives young children a new interest or view into the past but in a fun and exciting way. This book is very imaginative and different because it does not show how real dinosaures act but it lets the little children get comfortable and interested in the idea of Dinos. 

The setting of the book is taken in the jungle where all the animals live, and near the water that a couple of the dinos were drinking and dancing in. 

This book really did not have a plot it was a book to have fun, dance, and see different types of dinos. 
I love this book for very young children like kindergardeners because although the pictures of the dinos are not realistic colors it still gives the idea of dinos and that they were big and their tails would move and thump and do crazy things. Its a fun story for children, I decided when reading this book to a class I would have the children imitate the sound. This activity not only gets the children to get up and be active but also learning the sounds and what these words mean. 


  1. I think this book would be so fun to read to a classroom! I think the kids and you would have a great time reading. I think this is an interesting way to bring in the topic of dinosaurs into your classroom without it being too much like a text book.

  2. This sounds like a cute book tor read on like a Friday at the end of the day! I like how you thought that it would be a good book to introduce Dinosaurs to young kids. I have this book on my list, so I thought I'd check it out! Sounds super fun and really cute!

  3. This sounds like a really cute book to read to a younger group of students. I like that the book is very creative with the colors of the dinosaurs like you said. And I think it would be a good book to teach since it doesn't really have a plot because it encourages the students to come up with a plot themselves. It is really important for students to use their imagination and it sounds like this book would help.

  4. I absolutely love Dinosaur books, and this one sounds especially cute. It helps children (little ones in particular) visualize the lizards from long ago, without them focusing on the plot or characters. I think a great activity for this book would be for the child to pick out his/her favorite dinosaur, and then research it.

  5. This book sounds like a fun way to introduce dinosaurs. I like how you pointed out that it would probably be more appropriate for younger grades. Having topics introduced in fun ways definitely sparks kids interests and makes them more motivated and eager to learn more. Introducing a topic in a fun way will make it easier to get into the technical stuff later.
